Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Stephanie's Recipe: How to Bake Bacon

Who doesn't love bacon?

Y'all. That's obviously a trick question.


Ok, ok, fine. I guess there's a chance that some bacon nay-sayers exist out there. Or some vegetarians. Both acceptable. But let's be real . . . them anti-bacon-eaters are in the serious minority.

To me . . .


So today, if you're like me, I'm here to show you how to make bacon happen more easily in your life. Perhaps the MOST easy way possible. (Aside from, ya know, buying that microwaveable crap, or those bits that come in a plastic container which you sure-as-well know aren't 100% real bonafide bacon. I rest my case.)

Folks, you gotta BAKE YOUR BACON!


It's as easy as one, two, three.


Buy some bacon, whatever kind suits your fancy. Make sure it's the raw stuff. Place bacon on a foil-lined rimmed baking sheet. But seriously, don't forget the foil. There is mess to be had here if you skip it. You'll thank me later.

Put the bacon in the unheated oven (as in COLD oven!) and then turn on the oven, raising the temp to 400*F. Bake for 17 to 20 minutes, or until they look as crispy as you like. (Thicker bacon obvi needs more time.)

Remove the bacon pan from oven and then move the strips of bacon with a spatula or tongs onto a plate lined with paper towel to tackle some of that grease. If you're a fan of all that extra bacon grease left behind on your baking sheet, go ahead and pour it off into a glass container for later use. Otherwise, discard . . . and not down the drain!

Snap. Crackle. Pop. Sizzle.



  1. Yum! This is pretty similar to how I make bacon actually. And definitely save the grease! We cook our eggs in it.

    1. Ohhh, yummmm! Eggs and bacon . . . match made in Heaven. :)

  2. Thanks a lot, now I'm craving bacon!!!

  3. Yes!! This is how we do our bacon, too :) I would add another tip: use a sturdy-enough baking sheet. Not that I know from experience that if you use a flimsy sheet, say, at your mother-in-law's, on Christmas morning, that when you're pulling out the said sheet some grease might get onto the oven floor and, I don't know, burst into flame and smoke so you have to turn the oven off, abandon the poor bacon left inside and turn on all possible fans so the alarm for the apartment building doesn't go off.... just a possible (avoidable) scenario :)

    1. Hahahahahaha! STOP!!! I can't. Like really?!? A fire?!!! Hahahahahaha!! I shouldn't be laughing this much, right? Oh gosh!

  4. Just this past year, I discovered the magic that is baking bacon in the oven. It is legitimately BETTER in so many ways! Better tasting, so much easier, so much less time-consuming. I'll never fry bacon in a pan again. :)

  5. Mmmm, bacon!

    We learned about baking bacon a number of years ago and never looked back. I put a cooling rack inside the baking sheet and put the bacon on top of that. It lets the grease drop down and no paper towels needed. (though cleaning the cooling rack is a pain!)

    1. Oh, good tip! I do always feel a little bad about all the paper towels I have to use for grease sopping. Your approach is much more environmentally friendly. :)

  6. We lay it out on parchment paper, mostly because its wider than foil so only one sheet is needed. And i have definitely had good success pouring the grease off, straining it through a coffee filter and then use it for frying um, everything with it afterwards!

  7. With the right pan, microwaving can be as good. (Heresy, I know.)

  8. This sounds wayyyy less messy and painful than than flying grease!


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